The Gift of Encouragement: “The Encourager”
“if it is to encourage, then give encouragement” Romans 12:8
In The Greek: Paraklesis. The Strong’s Concordance uses the phrase “a call to one’s side” to describe this word. It suggests the idea of bringing someone closely alongside in order to “encourage,” “comfort,” and “bring joy”. It’s one of the words used to describe the Holy Spirit.
Encouragers don’t just give courage, they are courage. Their lives serve as a vitamin B12 shot of inspiration for those who are fortunate enough to know them. They are high-achieving, disciplined, and focused on the their interests. Encouragers are optimistic, extroverted, and fueled by being around people. They are self-starters who don’t need to be motivated. You’ll find them thriving in creative industries such as acting or comedy. But also in leadership roles such as pastors, and CEO’s, and entrepreneurs.
Silas was Paul’s spiritual wing man in many of his travels. Silas went with Paul on his second missionary journey after a falling out between Paul and Barnabas. Encouragers are the perfect travel companions. They don’t complain, have endless energy, and are able to keep going long past when others are ready to quit.. Acts 15:32 reports that Silas said much to “encourage and strengthen” the believers. That sums up an encourager so succinctly. They are like Holy Spirit steroids that get inside you. You walk away stronger. In the infamous story of Paul & Silas in prison, at midnight they were singing praises. Encouragers are eternally optimistic. Even in the darkest moments.