Before there was a DISC Profile, Meyers Briggs, Strengths Finders or Enneagram
there were the 7 Life Gifts of Romans 12:6-8
“Offer your LIFE as a living sacrifice… then you will know His will”
Romans 12:1-2
His will for you is the Life Gift He has designed you to give and be.
God has given you a gift to deliver to the people around you. It’s time for you to discover what that gift is.
Start here to discover your gift.
From the moment you were born, the enemy has schemed, plotted and strategized to paralyze the Gift that God put inside you. Because of sin, your heart is wounded. The Holy Spirit wants to heal those wounds and set you free to become who God designed you to be.
The Gift isn’t just for you, it’s through you. Not delivering it is the equivalent of being a UPS driver taking all of their deliveries home with them.